It's been a tradition in Jim's family for years that we read "The Night Before Christmas' on Christmas Eve. Jim greatly enjoyed continuing this tradition as he read to Johnathan this year.
Johnathan opened a few gifts from Jim and me also. He got various books because he loves sitting and 'reading' them. We were glad to see Johnathan has started enjoying opening gifts also. It's nice not having to open his gifts and try to get his attention drawn to the gift.
(Of course Little Foot was there to help Johnathan out with his gifts to!)
Christmas morning came and Johnathan had quite a pile from Santa.
This Christmas was so different from last year because he was 'interactive' in this Christmas and could get real toys and not just clothes. He received more books, blocks, matchbox cars, a Mr. Potato Head, and a clock for his room. After opening his gifts he also assisted us in opening our gifts.
Johnathan has started to play peek-a-boo and everytime he got clothing he would put it on his head then pull it off and giggle. Here he is with one of Jim's shirts giggling.
After all the gifts were opened and we had breakfast of pancakes (They are Johnathan's favorite) Johnathan went into his swing while we got ready. When I came back through I found him asleep holding his Mr. Potato Head. Isn't he adorable?
So there you have our Christmas at home. I'll document our other THREE Christmases later as I'm getting tired.
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