Thursday, February 19, 2009

Johnathan's Valentine

Despite the fact that I haven't always been big on celebrating Valentine's Day I really enjoyed celebrating it this year. Watching Johnathan 'read' his card and open his presents made it so special. So following in the steps of my fellow blogger Mel I am all about celebrating 'all' holidays big for now on.
First Johnathan looked at his card. It was so funny the sounds he made as you looked at the cover and then opened it up. Unlike most kids he seemed to appreciate his card as much as his gifts.
Next he opened his first gift. It was a little bear. This bear is special because Jim also bought one for me. The fact that Johnathan has quite the collection of stuffed animals from special occasions is very important to me. They not only remind us of special times but they also are great comforts to Johnathan.

After opening his bear Johnathan opened up his next gift. It was the WallE DVD, For those that don't know Johnathan got a WallE doll for Christmas. We have been wanting to get the movie to go with it. Jim couldn't pass it up when looking for gift ideas. Needless to say we have already watched it. Look at the expression on his face!

After he finished opening he layed back in his swing to drink his bottle. He made sure his bear as kept close to keep him company though.

I love that little boy and I'm so happy that he enjoyed his special day. For those you might not of seen the picture - here is Johnathan's 1st Valentine's Day picture:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Very Blessed

We have faced our share of struggles in our lives and relationship. Yet we have truly been blessed in the love that we share and the amazing little boy that we created. Tonight I just want to share pictures of the two most amazing boys in my life.

Jim & Johnathan - I love you both!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

15 Months Old

How can it be that my little tiny baby is fifteen months old already? Actually I have been reminded constantly how quickly he is going up. Every day he learns to do something new. He is turning into such a sponge for knowledge. He deeply studies his toys to figure out what he can make them do.
While we are still working on walking with no help he struts around the house with his little walking push toy like he's been walking for months.
He no longer wants to just look at his little push car and has started riding on it.
Giving high fives and tens has been a common thing for him. If he sees your hand up he is going to give you five weather you want it or not. He enjoys throwing his arms up in the air to show me that he's 'so big'.
His other favorite thing is to clap and say 'yeah'. It's so cute and I can't get enough of it.
I guess I have to face it that the 7lb baby is now an active 15 month old that keeps us busy. We are loving every minute of it though.
Daddy & Son Naptime Jim & Johnathan 4 days old
Photobucket Jim & Johnathan 15 months old

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas with the Rest of the Family

After celebrating Christmas at home it was time to begin the many other Christmases we would celebrate. We left for Bompa and Grandma's for lunch and gifts. Johnathan was still kind of cranky and didn't eat much. When we headed downstairs to open presents he was in a little better spirits. He made his rounds seeing everyone. He enjoyed sitting with Floyd a little bit.
He found Tyler and Debby's gifts much more interesting. Several times during the gift opening Johnathan crawled over to help them open their presents.
We were able to get him to open his presents. In his stocking he got paper and pen which he was impressed with. (We don't allow him to have those at home due to his body doodling and paper trails he tends to leave)
He also received a Osh Kosh zip-up jacket and a musical car that moves and plays Livin' La Vida Loca'. Thank goodness for the mute button!
After opening his gifts he spent some time 'talking' with Dagen and chilling while drinking his bottle.

Of course his favorite part was helping Grandma Carol open her gifts.Photobucket
The following night we had Christmas at Mom and & Dad's house. Johnathan was very busy checking everyones gifts out and traveling from person to person. I was able to snap a picture of him with his Papa Paulie and playing with some of his favorite toys at Grandma's.
When we returned home we immediately had to get out one of Johnathan's new presents: His Fridge Farm. He loves it and plays with it constantly. Will try to upload the video of him at a later date.
That Sunday we got in the car and drove to Pa John's house. Johnathan was really getting into this gift opening thing and was quite excited when he saw this gift.
He started opening it but stopped to pose for another picture:
He was quite excited about his new car to ride. He has really gotten the hang of it yet but I'm sure before long he'll be scooting all over the house.
After his gifts were unwrapped he showed Pa John and Mary the picture collages they received as gifts. He enjoyed showing Pa that the pictures were of him.

Johnathan was not forgotten by the New York families either Grandma Gail and Aunt Carol's family presented Johnathan with his gifts during our Thanksgiving trip.
Uncle Tom & Aunt Peg sent Johnathan some books that have become a must pack when we leave the house.
As you can see Johnathan was quite spoiled this Christmas and can usually be found surrounded by all his great new gifts.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas at Home

Finally I have found time to share our whole Christmas experience. Please bear with us as it may take awhile.
It's been a tradition in Jim's family for years that we read "The Night Before Christmas' on Christmas Eve. Jim greatly enjoyed continuing this tradition as he read to Johnathan this year.
Johnathan opened a few gifts from Jim and me also. He got various books because he loves sitting and 'reading' them. We were glad to see Johnathan has started enjoying opening gifts also. It's nice not having to open his gifts and try to get his attention drawn to the gift.
(Of course Little Foot was there to help Johnathan out with his gifts to!)
Christmas morning came and Johnathan had quite a pile from Santa.
This Christmas was so different from last year because he was 'interactive' in this Christmas and could get real toys and not just clothes. He received more books, blocks, matchbox cars, a Mr. Potato Head, and a clock for his room. After opening his gifts he also assisted us in opening our gifts.
Johnathan has started to play peek-a-boo and everytime he got clothing he would put it on his head then pull it off and giggle. Here he is with one of Jim's shirts giggling.
After all the gifts were opened and we had breakfast of pancakes (They are Johnathan's favorite) Johnathan went into his swing while we got ready. When I came back through I found him asleep holding his Mr. Potato Head. Isn't he adorable?

So there you have our Christmas at home. I'll document our other THREE Christmases later as I'm getting tired.