When we arrived we tried to get as much sleep as possible to prepare for Carson and Johnathan's birthday party. Johnathan wasn't overly interested in opening presents but he did enjoy the Spongebob cake.
Carson was happy as long as Mom was right beside him.
After the party Johnathan was ALL about spending time with Cousin Tory. Their bond is very strong and most of us agree it is because she reminds him of Jim.
Johnathan especially enjoyed going to pick Tory up at college and seeing her dorm room.
After we picked her up we went to Carousel Mall to eat and do some shopping. Johnathan had his first meal ever ordered off the menu: Mac & Cheese. He ate all but a very small portion.
After dinner Johnathan went on the carousel. It was a little too fast for him but he enjoyed seeing Jim when we would pass him and liked having Mom close to hold onto.
When we returned home that night Johnathan slept well. Unfortunately Johnathan refused to sleep in his bed at all during the week. Therefore it was either in the big bed with us or sleeping in the chair downstairs with him.
But when a baby is this cute it's hard to be mad about it.
Johnathan greatly enjoyed Thanksgiving this year. He entertained at the dinner table by getting the giggles and shaking the whole table. He loved his sweet potatoes and stuffing and had second and third helpings. After dinner he was all over the place: playing with Carson, sitting with Grandma Beaty, flirting with Dave's girlfriend, and hanging out with Dan.
Everyone else was having a good time also. Carol posed with the kids.
'The Twins' Jim and Tory played video games.
And Gail spent some time with her children and grandchildren.
Johnathan felt like the center of attention which made him happy. The whole house was filled with his screeches of delight.
He was overjoyed when Tory came to sit with him.
Back at Gail's Johnathan did get to spend a little bonding time with Grandma Gail which I think they both enjoyed.
After going out in the crowds on Friday we took our annual trip to Schaller's for a couple of 'ground rounds on a hard roll'. Then we returned home to pack our bags to prepare for our trip home. Saturday morning we went to Carol's for a goodbye Christmas bunch. Johnathan got to open some more presents, cuddle with Aunt Carol, and we got to say our good-byes to Skyler and Carson (Tory was gone to a friends).
We then piled in the car - with our new portable DVD player to entertain Johnathan and headed home. Once again this was the common scene of the backseat.
It was a fantastic trip and we can't wait to go back again.